Saturday, September 5, 2015

September Days....

Well September is here and little something to look forward to this month.. Vacation!!! Due to me hurting my leg in the earlier part of this year, the hubs and I could not take our annual vacation in June. But God has allowed us to actually take one now and I'm soooo looking forward to it! You know most times I love being at home but then there are those times when you just cannot wait to get away from it all! Funny part is that when I was out of work for 3 months, I was home everyday but couldn't go nowhere! We are going to go to Florida to celebrate the union of one of my friends and it's been a long time coming. We going to stay in Jacksonville this time.. for the past three years we've been in Orlando so this is going to be a new adventure! I'm pretty excited! Hubs wants to go to St Augustine which is really good because I haven't been there in a minute and the funny part is that it was my mom's favorite hangout spot with her buddy when she lived there. We actually got somebody to watch the poochins too. My neighbor who usually watches them can't because she is going to be tending to her son who managed to break his leg. So we have like 2 weeks left to go before we can go on our trip and I cannot wait! I will try to post some pics when we get back. Right now I'm just sitting here watching Netflix and I thought I write down some things that we're going through my mind. Nothing really big but just a little update on what's going on right now. I'm also excited that we are finally getting to go to service tomorrow morning! The hubs has been working almost every Sunday in fact every Sunday in the month of August! So having a Sunday off is going to be great! We do stream it but there's nothing like being in God's presence for real! Now I just have to find something to wear... In other is really good and I'm really coming into my own. Friday was crazy..I had 11 patients and that is a lot when you put on monitors! You got to put the monitor on the patient and you gotta go everywhere over gods green earth in the hospital as well as in the clinic but it was good. You know I didn't leave work until 5 so that's a little bit more overtime which is fine because the more extra money we get more money for vacation and more we can pay off my bills. Trying to get another car and hopefully that'll work out too. Next month is the hubs 40th birthday and I have something planned for him. He is actually going to have TWO birthday for all of his friends at the bowling alley and then another one at my cousins house on his actual birthday. I saw this amazing shirt at Spencers yesterday and I am going to buy it now since I got a 20% off coupon. I also want to get some balloons and everything for the party for his friends at a bowling alley. I was trying to rent out the whole space but it was hecka expensive so I just rented two lanes for an hour and a half and if we want to play more time then we'll just have to chip in so he's pretty excited about it. I think he's invited everybody under the Sun but that's okay..the bowling lanes are open till 2 a.m. lol! I'm really excited. I really want to try and bake a cake for him but I have to see. I do have the cake mix at home so I might just maybe do cupcakes and spell out 40. Imma ask my baker friends what would be a good idea for me to do as an amateur Baker for his birthday. I gotta start putting in the budget because I want to make his birthday epic after all he made mine awesome when I turned 40. So that's about it right now.. currently I'm chilling on the couch waiting for him to come home and watching my little Bad Kitty (the youngest one) sitting here planning her next move...☺

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Trying the workout thing again...

So I just finished working out. Did Zumba again...Lawd Jesus help me tomorrow. This yet another attempt at getting fit. Now I'm not a lump on a log but I do need to get now active and drop some of this uhh..thickness. I was doing good until I tore my calf muscle trying to do too much. Just now getting back and I hope to God will be able to walk tomorrow. I am doing a 5k next month so this will help. I just wish my knees would be more cooperative. Anyway here's to getting fit again. Siiigh...pray for me ya'll.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Where Did the time go???

Woow..that's all I can say is Wow! It's been about 4 years since I've written on this fact, I had forgotten about it for a time but tonight as I sit in my own apartment,with my husband in the other room,I thought about this blog. I reread everything from beginning up to when I stopped and I must say I have changed quite a bit! I will try and keep this up again...being inspired by one of my friends who decided to do a blog herself. She is a far better writer than me but hey just rereading some of these things that I've written..I know I've grown so much as a person and as a woman of God. Now 4 years later, well actually it's eight years later, (I started this blog in 2007) I can easily see the difference. So here goes an update! Yes I did marry the boyfriend who is now the husband! We got married June 30th, 2012 and I must say the wedding was everything I wanted it to be! This is thanks to my mom which is a blessing in itself being that she was not too fond of the whole situation with me and my boyfriend (well husband now lol) Family life has gotten really good.. he is real close to my mom now as well as my father! And guess what... they got remarried a couple months later after we tied the knot! That's a whole story in itself! We are the proud parents of three "kids" who happen to have four legs and fur! We both attend free chapel and are both members and love this church!Mentally we have grown as a couple and as individuals and God is still teaching us a lot! As far as my job, I left the cardiology group that I first started with and now I work in prominent hospital system as a cardiac monitor tech! I'm certified too! It's a great position and I'm pretty much back to what I was when I was in California. It's a blessing! So that's it in a nutshell! I'm going to try and start blogging just a little bit more and do it until I get tired of it like I did before. Life is quite different now than when I started this blog but it's in a good way and I can only thank God for that! Stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March Madness...

Not much for writing on here right now...Things are happening so fast now....First He's in school his ID (will never forget that day) and Now I'm a BRIDE TO BE!!! Yes He asked me to be his wife and I said YES!!! Im so excited! Im STILL trying to get in school but pftt...looks like that not gonna happen for a minute...Anyhoo...Im still amazed at what has happened already! And its only MARCH! Still really havent nailed down a date yet...not sure if its gonna be in 2012 or 2013...want 2012...but I wanna have some MULA! This is all so new! Prob wont hear from me for a while again...maybe next time I'll be writing as MRS...

Sunday, January 2, 2011


First off...Happy New year everyone! As I sit here listening to Free Chapel online during their praise and worship singing "Its a New Season" I reflect on what has transpired this past year...All I can say is WOW and thank you Jesus! Alot has happened this past year and I am looking forward to this year. Me and the BF have made it past a year and God is changing the both of us. Im excited to what HE is gonna do this year with the both of us. He allowed him to to get a car toward the end of the year and is showing him alot (not to mention ME)so Im excited. Christmas and New Year's was great. Spent Christmas EVE with the boyfriend and Christmas Day with the Family! Had so much even snowed on christmas! New Years was good...spent it with the Boyfriend of course and it was really nice. I am so grateful for what going on in my life right now and I gonna strive to really Give HIM thanks for it. The 21 day fast is coming up and I tryng to think what I am gonna fast...(need to fast all meals due the weight I've gain..but I digress)It's gonna be a great year..I just know it!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Well its almost that time of year again...wait it IS that time of year again! That time where good feelings are abound...thankfulness is abundant and people seem to be more giving and happy..Yes its that season...Well then why in THE world do I feel sooo not happy atm?? Hmmm lets see...yes..yes you guess it..its the bf...Don't know what to think about this...been getting alot of advice and opinions about the whole thing...Without putting too much out there...the bf's issues have crepted (I know that's spelled wrong..but who cares?? Its MY blog..digressing tho..) up yet again only this time it was worse than ever..THe last MONTH has been pure-de-hell..and we almost broke up numerous times...He told me something that hurt me to my heart and frankly Im having the toughest time trying to get over it...or at least work thru it. He tells me he loves me but I just can NOT see it with his attitude. So finally we talked to his mentor who happens to be a pastor and I thought this would help but alas it doesn't seem like it has. I haven't a clue (well..that's a lie..I do) what to do cause my mind is telling me one thing and my heart another. ANd if it keeps going the way its heart will soon be saying the same thing my mind is. Been getting alot of advice from ppl. Needless to say my mom is not to thrilled about the latest developments..not too thrilled AT all! To DD and EP..thank you for your to-the-point, no holds barred opinions and prayer...I really appreciate it. This is something I wish was easy. If I could just go back to the beginning when we first met and start over..maybe not jump sooo deeply in with my emotions..this would probably be alot easier. Sad part is that I still love him and care for him so letting go harder than I thought it would be. Sometimes I wanna erase or get a "do over" like we used to in grade school...because Im not fairing too well. I know the bf has to go thru some..well alot of this on his own because God is trying to get thru to him but I wish I didn't have to watch..its painful sometimes..It sure would be nice to have those buttons where you can start over or reboot...**siigh** keep praying for me ya'll...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Best Girlfriend EVER...

Well I know its been a minute since I'd be on here but i have been hecka busy and too tired to write! Anyway today was the bf's bday and I must say I think he has a really good time. This whole weekend was great for him matter of fact! So Fri nite we left after he got off work and headed to Rome, Ga again. This is where his best friend and his family live. We stayed the whole weekend with them and even had a party (altho there were some ghetto behind ppl there..but I digress) But what made my day is seeing the look on the bf's face when he opened his present from me..You see I got him a vintage Tee shirt he been dying to get "since 1987" (his words) I found it on a website and knew if I got him this shirt I would be the best girlfriend on the planet! Just the sheer look of joy on his face was enough for me! And the funny part was..earlier that day we were at the mall up there (a CAM aka Country A** Mall..his name for it)and he ALMOST bought the tee shirt! Ugh..bout had a mini-heart attack! His best friend convince him not to get it cuz i had alerted him that I had already GOT him one..whew! So needless to say he lost his mind when he opened his gift! I was happy! The party later that night was how should i say this....GHETTO...but it was for his best friend (his bday was two days earlier) and it was all his friends. Me and the bf felt outta place and I felt sick with all the smoke (practically everyone was smoking) so I went in the back room and laid followed and stayed back there until everyone left (that was at 3AM) All in all...we did have fun and I know now that my bf had a great time...Couldn't stop talking about the tee either...I should get a medal...hmmm